Electricity is everywhere but most of the people does not know how it is produced. Let's introduce about the power generation factory “the thermal power plant”. Thermal power plant are designed to produce power in the form of voltage and current by using thermal energy. The power is generated by driving a large electrical generator (also called turbo-generator). This generator is driven by a shaft coupled turbine which rotates by using force of steam. Hence, in order to produce the electrical power, our primary concern is to produce steam from water by using thermal energy. This thermal energy is produced by burning fuel (mostly fossil fuels are used) to produce a sufficient amount of heat to generate steam from water. In thermal power plant, there are a number of process are done such as fuel firing, boiling of water, generation of steam, rotation of turbine, generation of voltage etc. These process need a number of parts, equipment and they are arranged in a definite man...
(Answers are marked in red color ) (1) The critical pressure ratio of a convergent nozzle is defined as a) The ratio of outlet pressure to inlet pressure of nozzle b) The ratio of inlet pressure to outlet pressure of nozzle c) The ratio of outlet pressure to inlet pressure only when mass flow rate per unit area is minimum d) The ratio of outlet pressure to inlet pressure only when mass flow rate per unit area is maximum (2) The isentropic expansion of steam through nozzle for the steam initially dry saturated at inlet is approximated by equation a) PV= C b) P =C c) P =C d) P =C (3) ...
In power plant, most of the terms are called as short form of their actual. These are given below : ATRS = Automatic Turbine Run-Up System ASTM = American Society for Testing of Material AOP = Auxiliary Oil Pump ACW = Auxiliary Cooling Water ACI = Automatic Control Interface AVGF = Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter ASLD = Acoustic Sound Level Detector APRDS = Auxiliary Pressure Reducing De-Superheating System AHP = Ash Handling Plant ATT = Automatic Turbine Test AVT = All Volatile Treatment ABT = Availability Based Tariff APH = Air Pre-Heater BMCR = Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating BFP = Boiler Feed Pump BFP = Boiler Fill Pump BEM = Bus Extension Module COC = Change Over Contact CI = Control Interface CDM = Clean Development Mechanism CCM = Clean Coal Mechanism CEP = Condensate Extraction Pump CW = Cooling Water CERC = Central Electricity Regularity Commission CEA = Central Electricity Authority COC = Cycles of Concentratio...
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